Base Campers Wanted

Yesterday, I posted a lengthy critique on the views of the conservative wing of American politics, and how their policies of late are more based on exclusion, rather than inclusion.  Tonight, it’s the liberal’s turn.

For those unaware of the name Tenzing Norgay, he is the sherpa who accompanied Edmund Hillary to the the top of Mount Everest. By all accounts, Tenzing was an equal to Hillary, in almost every measurable capacity: both men carried the same weight, used the same equipment, and, by Hillary’s account, reached the summit at the exact same time.  But, as history treasures individual achievement more than collaborative effort, Sir Edmund got the glory, while Tenzing was[unfairly] relegated to second place.  What’s interesting to note is that neither man genuinely cared position of place at the summit; both agreed that the achievement mattered more than whose shoe landed where and when. Read the rest of this entry »

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