The Boys Are Back in Town

The so-called “birthers” are back in the news, this time crying for attention in Florida of all places, accusing U.S. Senator Mark Rubio of not really being a U.S. Citizen.  Their “logic,” if you want to call it that, is based upon the assertion that since Rubio’s parents had not officially become naturalized citizens at the time of his birth on U.S. soil, he is therefore not a citizen, and thus, ineligible for national political office.  While the reasonable right drag its hands across its face and mutter, “Aw, shit. Not this again,” the extreme right is all atwitter with delight, suffering under the fundamental delusion that if they can win just this one argument, regardless of cost or the actual presence of legal logic, they’ll have a toe-hold on the path to abolishing the presence of the great black Satan they perceive Obama to be. Read the rest of this entry »

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