
By the time this gets posted, it’ll be sometime around mid-afternoon on Saturday, May 21st, 2011.  For those that haven’t been paying attention, today is (was) supposed to be the Christian day of Rapture; where Jesus returns to collect the souls of the faithful and carry them directly to heaven, leaving the “unsaved” behind to continue their empty existences until a massive disaster destroys the world once and for all.  The source of this prediction is Christian broadcaster Harold Camping, who bases his claim on what he refers to as extensive biblical analysis and mathematical research.  Camping had made similar claims before; previously scheduling the Rapture for September of 1994 and declaring he’d made a mathematical error in his calculations when events failed to abide to his schedule.  Then, and now, his followers undertook drastic changes in their lives, preparing for the promised end of times by abandoning their jobs and homes, casting aside friends and non-believing family members, euthanizing pets, and arranging for their finances to exhaust themselves by the last day.  Lives foreclosed by the living. Read the rest of this entry »

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